Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Nine In the Afternoon

Panic(!) at the Disco. Brendon Urie, front man/lead singer/guitarist/pianist; Ryan Ross, lead guitar/back up vocals; Jon Walker, bass guitar/back up vocals; Spencer Smith, percussion/set. They are getting ready to release their sophomore album on March 25th. I'm super excited. I remember the first time that i fell in love with the raising band. It was at a Fall Out Boy concert then later that summer I was traveling to Cleveland with my best friend, Amanda to see them live. Then on July 18th 2006 I met the lead singer of the band Brendon, outside the Hard Rock Cafe in Pittsburgh. It was the most exhilarating moments of my life. You can read the convo here. Then my friends and I traveled to Philly to see Panic again for my 19th birthday. It was a great experience, the show was phenomenal. It definitely gave a lot of people fan fiction idea's. Like Ryden's which are convinced that Ryan and Brendon are dating. But they really aren't. But I did come up with a fan fiction of my own deriving from their last tour. It's called Sunflowers...I'll post the first chapter next time!!!! Thank you all for reading about my obession with this band! I hope you have a lovely day and you'll hear from me soon.


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