Tuesday, March 18, 2008

She's a Handsome Woman

The day is finally here! But before we talk Panic! I wanted to wish my best friend a Happy 19th Birthday!!! I love you Amanda!!! That said...today is the day that mtv.com leaks - yes leaks - Panic At The Disco's Pretty. Odd. album!!! Before we get to that i have the last day of the 8 days of Panic for your enjoyment.

Now onto the songs!!! I'm going to listen and put my opinion about the songs.

1. We're So Starving - It's a very lite hearted song. Kinda catchy as well
2. Nine In The Afternoon - Amazing song. I love the trumpet throughout the chorus.
3. She's A Handsome Woman - I love the chorus of the song. "Go on grab your hat and fetch a camera. Go on film the world before it happens." I think that just fits my lifestyle because I always have my camera handy.
4. Do You Know What I am See? - It's about the weather, lol i remember in the interview they talked writing this songs in Ryan's backyard with their shirts off. I'll never forget as long as I listen to the song.
5. That Green Gentlemen - It has a Beatles-esque to it. It also has Ryan singing on the chorus along with Brendon.
6. I Have Friends In Holy Spaces - I feel like I'm in a jazz club in New Orleans. It has a banjo and heavy trumpet and saxophone parts.
7. Northern Downpour - I feel like I'm listening to the Beatles again. It's ok because i love the Beatles.
8. When the Day Met the Night - I love this song!!! It's the most romantic song on the album!!! Def one of my faves! Yet again, it has a trumpet in the chorus.
9. Pas De Cheval - Up beat and very up tempo. It's a little cocky. It's like saying that the greatest thing hasn't happened until you meet 'me'. I'm just taking it for face value now i'll have listen to it for a cpl to actually get the real meaning
10. The Piano Knows Something That I Don't - It starts out very slow and kinda eerie feeling but then picks up. It talks about ballet which is a plus in my book. Its kinda like a Vegas show or something.
11. Behind The Sea - Ryan sings mostly sings the lead vocals. It's a very mellow song.
12. Folkin' Around - Panic gone country. All you can say about this song
13. She Had the World - Ryan and Brendon both sing parts in this song. I actually really like this song. It's very melodically.
14. From A Mountain In The Middle Of The Cabins - Sounds like a carnival song. The chorus songs like something the Beatles would sing! "If you're going then go, go, go!" It's cute!
15. Mad As Rabbits - I've been waiting for this song!!! Brendon starts off singing then Ryan sings and they go back and forth. I know Jon does back up vocals as well. Not sure about Spence. Still has that Beatles feel.

I love the album!!! It is very different from the first one but a good different. I'm sure how other people will react to it. A lot fans loved the beats you could dance to and stuff to that nature. This album has more grown up feel to it. People will definitely be blown away by it.

Hope you like my review and they you will head over to mtv to check out the songs and hopefully buy the album next week when it hit stores everywhere!!! Talk to you know thursday! Have a Panic Day!!!


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